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Janet's Testimony


8th October 2103:  Janet was a healthy baby until she contracted meningitis at the age of one. Her body became rigid and has stayed in the same position since that time. Doctors gave up hope. Her parents gave her Vanuatu Ginger powder when she was three years old. We believe the pictures below speak for themselves.

8th October 2103

Janet's body is constanly straight and stiff. Her arms are bent 90 degrees at the elbows, extending straight in front of her, unable to be straightened or put in another position. Her left elbow is extended from the body and ridgid. Her fingers are bent and twisted, her hands are continually in a closed position with her thumbs tucked inside the fingers against the palm. Her legs are stiff and cannot be bent without breaking her bones. Her feet are horizontal when she lies on her back and her toes are twisted. Her sleep is always broken with bouts of crying, as though she is in pain. She is unable to move her head from the “leaning to the side position” and does not focus her eyes on anything. Her eyelids became swollen a few weeks ago. The swelling is in the form of blood blisters. The blister on the right eyelid broke open a few days ago, but has now filled with liquid again. Her teeth are brittle and all are broken off level with her gums, which are extremely swollen  and bleed easily. She has trouble swallowing and cannot open her mouth very wide. She does not smile.

Her weight is 5.5kg

Janet's parents gave her 0.4g


9th October 2013

After one day on ZZ, Janet's parents said that her arms and legs were not as stiff. They were able to spread her legs apart and bend them at the knees, with very little resistance. She started sleeping well and did not wake up crying any more. Janet's parents noticed these stark changes 6 hours after giving her 0.4 grams on the 8th.

Today Janet was given 0.6 grams.



10th October 2013

Parents observed the following changes:

  1. She now notices noises

  2. Her eyes last night were fully opened

  3. She wants to sleep most of the time and it is unbroken sleep

  4. This morning she was gabling like she wanted to talk

  5. Last night she was able to move her fingers on her left hand

  6. Her right foot appears to be moving towards the correct position

  7. Swelling on her eyes is slightly reduced

Today Janet was given 0.7 grams.


Tony, an old family friend, came to visit during photo time and could see a notable difference in Janet. Parents advised to mash Taro and beans into her food.


11th October 2013

Parents commented that Janet smiled for the first time yesterday afternoon when Mum kissed her on the forehead.

Janet’s back is no longer rigid and straight and is now able to be bent sufficiently so she can sit up on mum's lap. Janet’s appetite has increased dramatically.

Today Janet was given 0.8 grams


12th October 2013

Mum says Janet is waking up a 3 am, and baby talking, and  cries if she doesn't feed her. After she is fed she will start trying to talk again.

Yesterday Janet was moving her head slowly from side to side while watching the chickens run around the house. She was following the chickens with her eyes and attempting to call out to them.

Janet’s thumbs, that were always positioned inside her fingers hard against the palms, are now in a normal position.


On 13th, 14th, 15th October Janet was given 0.8 grams

On 16th October Janet was given 1.4gms


17th October

After increasing the dose yesterday, Janet was more animated. She started turning her head from side to side quickly, following things with her eyes and head. This morning was the first time she didn't fall asleep while being examined. When she was weighed this morning we found she had gained 1.3kg in 8 days.


Her amazing improvement can be seen in the third photograph.

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