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Rowlena's Testimony


In 2012 a biopsy was taken of Rowlena’s tongue and sent to an Australian lab and it was determined she had cancer in the tongue. The cancer spread to her jaw and throat. 


Before taking ZZ in September 2013, Rowlena's symptoms were:


  1. Her tongue was very hard and it was difficult for her to swallow and talk.

  2. Rowlena had to continually spit out blood and contaminants, using a mouth wash. Her breath smelt terrible and every time she swallowed she would have a vile taste in her mouth.

  3. At night she slept with a towel under her head to protect her pillow from bloody excretions.

  4. Her faeces were always blackened with dried blood.

  5. Her neck was stiff and hard on her left side.

  6. Her back teeth were crumbling to pieces.

  7. Her gums were sore and moving away from her teeth, so there was a space between the back teeth and gums.

  8. Swallowing was extremely difficult.


14th September 2013: Rowlena rinsed her mouth before the first photo was taken. Then she was given 80grams of ZZ powder in the following doses.

Day 1, 20grams…….   Day 2 – 7, 10grams


21st September: The following changes were experienced after the 7th day on ZZ powder. 


  1. Cancer on the tongue had reduced by 25% (approx.)

  2. The tongue was softer.

  3. The neck and throat were no longer stiff or sore.

  4. Talking and eating was now easier.

  5. The gaps between teeth and gums had closed up.

  6. Faeces were a browny yellow (normal).

  7. No more excretions from mouth.

  8. No more mouth wash needed.

  9. No towel needed while sleeping.

  10. She was sweating a great deal at night, but  was able to sleep well.


Received another 70grams of ZZ for the following week to be taken at 10g per day.


28th September 2013

Gave Rowlena another 70g for the coming week.

She was now able to chew on the left side of her jaw. Generally, she is feeling very well and happy.  The pain in her mouth is improving every day.


5th October 2013

Rowlena experienced some big changes the last few days. She explained that it felt like a large piece of her tongue/meat/cancer at the top of her throat and behind her back teeth was separating from the main part of her tongue. When Rowlena opened her mouth and twisted her tongue to the side to allow for a photo she quickly closed her mouth again and spat out blood. She said she could feel the piece of meat/cancer separating from her tongue when she did it. There was no great pain involved, just a sting. She said her tongue was continually getting softer.


Rowlena was given 20g for the day and told to continue with 10g for the rest of the week.


7th October 2013

The piece of tongue that is separating from the main part was visible today, but we were unable to take a photo because it is so far back on the tongue.


10g/day for the next week


12th October 2013

Rowlena is now confident that the cancer is finished: no bleeding, no soreness. The piece of tongue is still separating from the main part.


10g/day for the week


19th October 2013

Rowlena  said the separation from the tongue continues to be more pronounced, and moving farther forward.


We tried to locate a surgeon to take a biopsy of Rowlena’s tongue. One was located on the main island (Efate). But he was  unwilling to do it once he learned that a herb was being taken.


Today we were able to see the separation.


10g/day for rest of week.


It is obvious that Rowlena is infinitely better than she was in the beginning. Health professionals have assured us that the only outcome of this form of cancer is removal of the tongue, jaw and death.

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